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IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

We have highly reputable tutors who will provide you with excellent IELTS training to ensure you achieve a very good result. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is designed to assess the language ability of candidate who needs to study, work or migrate where English is the language of communication. This test is conducted for measuring test takers’ ability to communicate in English throughout all four Language skills- SpeakingReading, Writing, and Listening.

Educational institutions, professional bodies, Corporations and immigration departments now recognize IELTS in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the USA.

  • Academic Modules : This is for those taking the test for academic entry to undergraduate, postgraduate studies or for professional reasons.
  • General Module : This is typically exam entry for those who are going to English-speaking countries for vocational or training programmes not at degree level, for secondary education, work experience and for migration.


  • SPEAKING: This section is about 11 to 14 minutes and it tests your fluency in speaking the English Language. It has 3 parts: you will have to appear for a personal interview about yourself in the first part, speak on a particular topic and mentioned points on the topic in the second part, and also get involved in a discussion with the examiner in the third part based on the topic given in part 2.
  • READING: This section is different for Academic IETLS and General Training IELTS. However, for both, in 60 minutes, you will be required to answer 40 questions- 20 minutes each.
  • LISTENING: This test is for 30 minutes and consists of 40 questions in each of the 4 sections. It tests the Listening abilities of the test takers.Test taker is asked to listen to conversations topics, etc and answer the questions based on what was listened to. You have to complete certain summaries, sentences and answer short questions.
  • WRITING: The IELTS doesn’t test your knowledge of English in as much as it tests your comprehension skills. It is more a test of your time management skills and your ability to comprehend in a short time frame. You have to complete two writing tasks in one hour. The writing section for Academic IELTS differs from the General.
    ACADEMIC MODULES WRITING: There are two tasks and it is suggested that candidates spend about 20 minutes on task 1; which requires than to write at least 150 words for 40 minutes on Task 2-250 words. The assessment of Task 2 carries more weight in marking than Task 1. In task 1, candidates are asked to describe graphs, diagrams or certain processes given in their own words and in issue topic or argument. It is a formal style of writing.
    GENERAL MODULE WRITING: This consist of 2 tasks and last for 60 minutes. In task 1 you have to write a letter on a situation and in task 2 you have to write an essay on an issue topic argument on their ability to engage in personal correspondence, elite and provide general factual information.