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August 31, 2022

IELTS Writing Task 2

Writing test is the most challenging part of the IELTS test. Here, the question arises, why is writing the hardest? Well, there are a lot of misconceptions and bad advices about what IELTS writing is all about. In this article, I would try my best to accentuate the logical points pertaining to writing task 2.

In IELTS writing task 2, students need to write an essay. It includes an introduction, two to three body paragraphs and a conclusion. The difference between the essay in the general test and the academic test is small. In the general test, the question prompt is slightly less complex as compared to academics.

Few key things test takers need to know about Writing Task 2

• Aspirants have to write only one essay.
• Students should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
• The essay is worth 66% of your overall writing score i.e two-thirds of your writing test score.
• Students have to write more than 250 words. Writing more than 300 words is a waste of time. Moreover, the more you write, the more the chances of committing mistakes.
• The essay type that test takers need to write is discursive.pe that test takers need to write is discursive.

What is discursive essay?

A discursive essay can be on a variety of topics (education, environment or crime). Such essay explores a specific idea related to the topic (online learning, pollution or juvenile’s delinquency) and approaches the topic from different angles (some people think this, others think that…).

Significance of set of instructions in question prompt
In IELTS question prompt, there is set of instructions at the bottom, Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

While writing an essay, test-takers need to include relevant examples from knowledge or experience. So, in IELTS writing task 2 present a clear, relevant, well organized argument, giving evidence or examples to support ideas and use language accurately.

IELTS essay can be from a range of topics. Top 10 IELTS Writing Task 2 topics are:

1. Arts (Importance of arts, creation of arts, art literature)
2. Education (the rise of technology, subjects, uniforms, the role of teachers, discipline, funding, rules)
3. Environment (government legislation, environmental problems, climate change, animals)
4. Business and Money (world business spending, cash vs. credit cards, business progress and success)
5. Health (obesity, hospitals, exercise, health education, the elderly)
6. Technology (the internet, social media, the role of technology in our lives, hacking)
7. Society (poverty, public services, modern lifestyle)
8. Crime (youth crime, punishment, prisons)
9. Communication
10. Travel (culture differences, travelling benefits, meeting people)

Different types of essay

There are four main types of question that test-takers are going to encounter which are:

  • Opinion Essays
  • Do you agree or disagree?
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • What is your opinion?
  • What do you think about this?
  • Advantages/disadvantages essays
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages?
  • Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  • Problems/solutions essays
  • Discuss both views

Students may get a combination of these questions on test day. For example, you might be asked; what are the disadvantages of this? What can be done about this? Keep in mind, test takers do not get score they want, if they fail to address all the parts of questions..

Idea generation and Planning

•  Students should brainstorm clear and relevant ideas.
•  After reading question prompt and the essay question, spend some time for   planning. Do not start writing straight away.

Assessment criteria

Writing Task 2 is assessed against the following criteria: task response, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource and grammatical range and accuracy.

• How well you answer the question/s.
• How strong your position is
• How well you internally structure and link within your paragraphs
• How well you structure and link within your overall essay
• How wide ranging your vocabulary is
• How precise your vocabulary is
• How flexible your grammar is
• How accurate your grammar is
• How good your punctuation is
• How good your spelling is

Things to be avoided in writing task 2
  • Memorized sentences and 'show off' phrases.
  • Using idioms or slang.
  • Using pronouns such as 'you, we, and us’ too much.
  • Shortened words and short forms.
  • Outline sentences in the introduction.
  • Clichés in a conclusion.
  • Using informal phrases to state your opinion.
  • Memorized templates as they would not allow you to answer the question in a flexible way on test day.