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August 17, 2022

IELTS Exam Tips and Tricks


  • Check if your headphones are working, if not, raise your hand on your exam day.
  • Remember that the recording is played only once.
  • Write within the given word limit for each question.
  • Revise and proofread for spelling and grammar errors before submission
  • Try to use all capital letters for your answers

Have a good ear for accents.

A range of native-speaker accents

  • British, Australian, American, New Zealand, Canadian etc. is used in the listening test, so it’s a huge advantage if you are able to understand all of them.
  •  Train your ears by subscribing to English podcasts and TV news channels. Try listening to Disney World Stories from YouTube which is told by different nationalities.


  • Don’t waste time writing on question paper, you will get no extra time to transfer answers later on.
  • Try to use all capital letters for your answers.
  • Examine every detail of the figures, graphs or images in the question paper to be precise while answering
  • If you can’t understand a question, don’t waste time on it just move onto the next, you can come back later to finish it.
  • Understand the questions carefully, try to find answers from the passage.
  • Be grammatically-correct and to-the-point. Always Proofread before submission.


  • Perform a thorough analysis of assigned tasks and prepare the answers.
  • Divide your time smartly
  • 20 minutes for Task 1
  • 40 minutes for Task 2
  • Try to write over 150 words for Writing Task 1
  • Try to write over 250 for Writing Task 2
  • Ensure that you write a conclusion for task 2
  • Write precise, relevant answers.
  • Avoid writing long paragraphs and sentences
  • Avoid Repetition of Words, Phrases &Ideas,
  • Use active voice & avoid writing in passive voice
  • Submit after thorough revision and proofreading


  • Speak clearly &fluently with the right speed.
  • Listen & understand the questions asked carefully.
  • You can add more information to the answers but ensure it is relevant.
  • Focus on good vocabulary, grammar range of tenses, and sentence structure equally.
  • Be cool &confident during your speaking exam.
  • Don’t take too long pauses.
  • You can ask the examiner to repeat the question if you didn’t understand or was not clear.