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June 13, 2020

Differences between a public and a private college ?

You might have read or heard the words ‘private college and public college’ frequently if you are a student planning for overseas education in Canada. But have you ever thought about what are those and what are the prime differences between those two?

Yes, one might simply tell that a private college is an institution for which someone or a corporate group other than the government takes ownership. On the other hand, a public college is a government undertaken institution that comes under the direct control of federal education regulatory bodies. That’s right!

Public College Vs Private College

Public colleges are run by the government which means they are funded by the government and the public while private colleges do not have any means of monetization to operate other than the tuition fees.

There is a wide range of courses offered from various disciplines and fields of study in public colleges. Also, the classes are larger in public colleges, and so is the student count. On the contrary, private colleges comparatively have only a limited number of courses with smaller classrooms. In terms of tuition fees, private colleges are budget-friendly, unlike public colleges.

Tuition Fees

Private colleges are a bit more affordable than public colleges and there is no much deviation in the cost of international students and domestic students. Both are likely to be the same. There are scholarships offered to international students too when an exemplary academic portfolio is substantiated. The scholarship may support your tuition cost, study materials and boarding.

Public colleges are usually cheaper for domestic students, whereas international students should pay the complete fees, however, one can apply for a scholarship to have a part of the fees exemption.


Private institutions equally perform to that of public institutions. Both are well-staffed and have excellent pedagogy that directly influences the life of program participants.

It’s just that in private institutions, students might have increased interaction with staff and get proper attention whereas public colleges have large classrooms and high student numbers, so individual attention may not be possible all the time there.